Angular Tutorial For Beginners | Course Overview
Welcome to the tutorial series of Angular 9. Here we will try to understand the concepts of Angular. From the very beginning till the depth of the ocean of Angular. And I will try to keep it as simple as possible. At the time of learning, if you will have any queries or doubts you can mention it in the comment section below. I will try to get back to you with a proper explanation for that. Angular Tutorial For Beginners
Why Angular?
So the first question that should come in your mind is Why Angular? Before learning something new you should always ask this question to yourself. Why do you need to learn this particular thing? Basically, if you’re from a Computer Science or an IT background then you’ve already known that the market of the web application and the mobile application is growing day by day. There is a lot of demand for the Front-End/Client-Side Developer, MEAN-Stack Developer, and Full-Stack Developer out there.
Now many of you are familiar with the above three kinds of developers I mentioned or maybe some of you are not. Don’t worry I will put these terms in simple definitions.
Angular Tutorial For Beginners
Front-End or Client-Side Developer:
A person who’s intended to develop the Front-End or Client-side of a Web-Application or Mobile-Application. Quite easy, isn’t it? So what does front-end or client-side means? Below you can see how a basic architecture of any web-application looks like.
It has 3 tiers(layers). The first one is Front-End or Client-side that deals with the look and feel of an application. How it will going to look, the color, the size of all elements, the logo, the heading, the buttons. Basically, this is the front part of an application that will interact with the user/client directly. And Angular is one of the best frameworks out there that can be used to build client-side applications. Well, we will discuss these things like what is a framework or how angular is good in our later articles.
Mean-Stack Developer:
Coming to the second term MEAN-Stack. A Stack is nothing but a collection of technologies that will help to build an application. In the term MEAN, M stands for MongoDB(for the database), E stands for ExpressJS(for server-side), A stands for Angular(for client-side), and N stands for NodeJS(for server-side). As you can see here again if you want to be a MEAN-Stack developer then also you need to know Angular.
Full-Stack Developer:
And at last but not the least, Full-Stack developer. A full-stack developer is a person who handles both Client and Server-side along with the Database. A Full-Stack developer must know all three things. In simple words, a Full-Stack developer is like Yuvraj Singh(Indian Cricketer) who is good at batting(Database), bowling(Server-Side), and fielding(Client-Side).
As you can see how important is that to learn Client-Side and believe me it will be like ‘icing on the cake’ if you will learn Angular. In Addition, there is a lot of opportunity for an Angular developer out there and the number of Angular developers is less. So if you learn this technology with full efforts and interest then you will be able to get a good job with a pretty nice package.
Angular Tutorial For Beginners
Prerequisite Knowledge
Let me clear you something, before going through this tutorial series you should have a decent knowledge of the following things:
Now if you are clear about the topic and get motivated enough to learn Angular, then I think we are ready to move forward.
Angular Tutorial For Beginners
Akash Pandey
Hi there! I'm Akash. I work as a Software Engineer in an IT firm and I love to share my knowledge. I hope you will like my posts. You can also follow me on Instagram.